Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Inside Him

Inside Him  (Vimeo)

This is a year two major projects, the animation was inspired by one of my weird dream, which I was waking up alone on a beach shore, surrounding by bunch of glowing jellyfishes.

After that, I realized that animation could be an effective form for me to express my emotional feelings, in this case, loneliness.

This is a surreal animation that takes place in side the character's dream, where he hates the non-exist couple and wants to spray to them, however, he does not dare to do so. when he realizes there is a jellyfish around him, he picks it up and the colour of the jellyfish is black and white recalls his empathy. he sprays colour on it that he thought it would make the jellyfish colourful. then he sets it free to the water. He feels satisfy when the jellyfish is glowing but he'll never know that the paint will kill the jellyfish afterward.

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