Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Tow of Us

This animation is assessing in the Crowbar competition, according to the private policy, it would be set as private video for now. the password is 123

Here is my graduation project, Two of Us (Vimeo)

This short animation portrays the filmmaker’s sentiments about the controversial phenomenon of ‘left-behind children’, the minority group in China, who are facing problems without their parents’ guidance and emotional care.
This story is depicts two ‘left-behind’ siblings in the rural countryside who have to celebrate Chinese New Year by themselves because their dad is working in the city.

我的毕业作品, 我俩 (Vimeo)

想法来自于一个关于留守儿童的纪录片, 当时对我的冲击很大, 对于生长在城市,拥有健康家庭的我, 是很难想像他们的那种成长是没有父母的照顾, 凡事也只能靠自己的生活.
这让我觉得对现有的一切充满感激,于是我决定选用这个题材, 做了大量的资料搜索, 并且到了农村亲身体验.

在和留守儿童接触的过程中, 我发现其实他们并不如社会案例那么偏激, 他们独立但也孤独.容易自卑同时自尊心强. 我并不认为他们是被标签的那样可怜, 更多的感觉是和我一样的小孩.

于是这部动画我不愿意用煽情的方式赚眼泪, 而只想平和的叙述他们的生活,好像除了没有父母在身边,他们看起来其实和我们是没两样的. 而这恰恰是最大的分别.习惯了长辈的关爱, 我们对所有都觉得理所应当, 从来没想过, 我们拥有的一切是很多人想要却根本没办法得到的.

(ps.这个故事还有下集 TBC~)

  storyboard in watercolour



Character development


live action references & line test

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