Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Amuse You, Abuse Me

Here is one of my year 2 major projects : Amuse You, Abuse Me  (Vimeo)

An animation tells a story between a masochist husband and a queen wife. The husband takes all the housework and never let the wife helps him, because he believes that is the balance in their relationship. Until one day, the wife wants to tease the husband so that she cleans up all the messy clothes, which makes the husband upset that he thinks the balance is breaking. He vents his anger by throwing away bags and flip table. Meanwhile, the wife thinks she archived her purpose, and it is the time to end up this drama. She slap the husband that makes the husband believes that, the balance of their relationship has not been changed. And he glad about it.

这是我二年级的其中一个作业, Amuse You, Abuse Me

当时我们的Program Leader 和学校其中一个老师Agnes Chong合作, 让我们以她的布偶系列HumptyDump为原型制作独立动画.

这个故事围绕一个受虐狂丈夫Mint和女王属性的妻子Caramel展开, 当时纯粹想做一个受虐狂和虐待狂, 娱乐性的动画. 直到发现, '不虐待受虐狂才是最好的虐待'时,  整个故事才完整.

丈夫包揽所有家务, 妻子完全就是家中的女王, 这是他们之间的平衡点. 妻子明白如何让丈夫疯狂, 只要她做家务, 这一平衡被打破, 故事就会变得有趣.  丈夫回到家发现衣服都被收拾整齐了, 他觉得自己失去唯一价值(受虐狂的心态是, 她不虐待我, 就是不爱我了), 于是发狂摔桌子. 妻子达到目的(虐待狂的心态是, 我知道如果我不虐待你, 你就会难受, 也是一种变相的虐待), 就让一切回到平衡, 于是给了丈夫一个耳光. 此时, 这个耳光让丈夫觉得妻子还是爱他的, 于是又变得温顺.

做这个作业时间很紧迫, 真正的制作时间不超过一个月. 可惜当时用的剪接软件渲染出来的效果不好, 总觉得画面很模糊. 于是在三年级的作业中, 我改用了其他软件.

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